Bulk equipment often involves enormous volumes that you need to handle within an equipment rental company. It is a daily challenge to monitor every piece of equipment logistically and financially, since there are no unique labels. Consequently, daily business process steps such as picking, packing, and prepping your depot, transportation, and return logistics, including quality inspection, are of the utmost importance.
Different business decisions can consequently result in different processes. Furthermore, DynaRent gives you full control of all the assignments and movements of your bulk equipment rental in Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations.
Some of the important bulk rental processes for high volume products that are completely embedded in our DynaRent solution are
- Availability overview (per depot/region)
- Rental
- Sub-rental
- In-house logistics
- Transportation
- Service and maintenance
- Return quality inspection
How can you monitor your bulk equipment within your rental company?
Below is an example of a multi-depot graphical bulk equipment overview in DynaRent for Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations.
Image 1: Overview of bulk equipment rental in Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations
From this screen, you can easily create rentals, and you can also take replenished actions for your bulk equipment rental in Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations, such as the following:
- Purchasing - purchase equipment
- Sub-rental - temporary sub rent equipment
- Internal movements - move equipment from one depot to another
During return, it is important to perform a quality inspection of the high-volume bulk equipment. Therefore, you can register different inspection options using this feature, including:
- Good quality - Stock will become available in your inventory.
- Damaged - Generates repair work orders.
- Lost - Generates a financial loss journal entry.
- Scrapped - Generates a financial scrap journal entry.
- Surplus - Increases inventory.
Finally, as you can see, depending on the registration, automatic actions will be created in DynaRent in Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations. This can easily be configured to your own needs to make sure the follow-up actions are done accordingly.
Image 2: Quality inspection for your bulk equipment in Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations
Curious about our DynaRent Solution Suite? We’re more than happy to provide you with a tailored demonstration. Please contact us at info@highsoftware.com to discuss, or visit www.highsoftware.com and see what we’re up to!